Patent and Trademark Office in Indonesia

Looking for Patent and trademark office in Indonesia?

Hi there business owners!

Thinking about getting your trademark registered in Indonesia? It’s an awesome choice and a must thing to do if you want to protect your business! It’s a great way to protect your brand and stand out in the market.

If you’re not sure where to start—don’t worry because we’ve got a simple guide to walk you through the process step by step. From checking if your trademark is available to handling objections and keeping it renewed, we’ve got all the info you need to get started.

So, let’s dive in and make your trademark registered! If you’re ready to embark on this exciting journey, let’s roll up our sleeves and get started on securing your spot in the Indonesian market!

Here’s a simple breakdown of what you need to do:

Check if Your Trademark is Available

First things first, make sure your desired trademark isn’t already taken. You can do this by searching through the Indonesian Intellectual Property Office (DGIP) directory or by getting some help from a local trademark attorney or even us at Sahabatlegal. We will provide the checking for you, and the best part is it’s free of charge!

Get Your Documents Ready

After having your trademark checked, next step is to gather up all the necessary paperwork. You’ll need things like the trademark application form (with your info), a clear picture of your trademark, a description of what you’ll be using it for.

Submit Your Application Through Patent and Trademark Office

Once everything’s in order, send off your application to the Indonesian’s Patent and Trademark Office. They’ll give it a once-over to make sure it meets all the legal requirements. If everything checks out, your trademark will be published in the Official Gazette, giving others a chance to object if they want.

Handle any Objections

If someone or even the Patent and Trademark Office does raise an objection, don’t worry. You’ll have the chance to sort things out. But if no objections come up (or you manage to resolve them), congratulations! You’ll get your trademark registration certificate.

Keep it Renewed

Remember, your trademark is good for 10 years, but you’ll need to renew it to keep it going. Just make sure to do it within 6 months before it expires. And if you miss that window, don’t panic—you’ve got a 6-month grace period, though there might be an extra fee.

If you’re a foreign applicant, you’ll need to work with a registered Indonesian trademark attorney. And if you’re wondering about costs, starting from $400 through platforms like Sahabatlegal covers all the necessary government fees.

Conclusion of Patent and Trademark Office

Hope that helps! If you have any questions along the way, feel free to reach out. We will provide you a free consultation, and will only charge you the service fees if you choose to use our service! Feel free to check our trademark registration service/ jasa pendaftaran merek page to see the trademarks that have been registered through our service.

And finally, we wish you good luck with your trademark registration journey! Hope you find this article helpful!

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